Customization: Weapons, Sights, and Modules | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
Customization: Weapons, Sights, and Modules

Hello, operators!

The Supply Center is online.

We continue to improve training and equipment of our operators so that you can effectively complete the most difficult objectives. As part of a highly classified program, we have retrained all Caliber operators. Our experts have developed an intensive course which helped our fighters to learn operating with various types of weapons. This is an important step towards increasing flexibility and effectiveness in combat.

Starting December 11, you will be able to change both primary and secondary weapons for most operators. Choose the equipment that suits your tactics and playstyle best.

To prepare for the upcoming changes, please learn the details below: forewarned is forearmed!


Operators have already learned how to work with two types of primary and two types of secondary weapon. But we know that it’s not enough to fully realize your potential on the battlefield.

The Supply Center is hearing you loud and clear! Now you can not only choose another weapon, but also customize it to suit your needs. Our engineers have carried out detailed work on each weapon to make installation of new sights possible.

Get ready for even more control over your armory — all for victory!


Operators will have the opportunity to use two alternative types of weapons: both primary and secondary ones.

In most cases, the replaced weapon will be of the same class as the operator’s main primary weapon. For example, if an operator is using a machine gun, it will be easier for them to work with a similar weapon than to master a large-caliber rifle.


Once a week, the Store will receive five Weapon Containers: special kits that can become a decisive factor for completing your combat objective.

Each container includes three slots which can contain both weapons and sights. All content will be available right away: you can choose new items from the new settings menu and go into battle.

Every 10th container will give you a guaranteed secondary weapon, and every 20th container — a primary weapon.

You can also get this container for reaching levels 13, 25, 51, and 98 and as a part of Battle Pass rewards. Let us answer the most obvious question: if you have already reached the above mentioned levels, the container will be added to your account automatically on December 11 after the maintenance.


The above mentioned options of obtaining weapons and sights are not the only ones that the Supply Center has for you. Follow our news, and you will learn about new ways as soon as they are presented.

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