Object 903 Special Operation Tournament | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
Object 903 Special Operation Tournament

From April 23rd to April 25th the main Caliber server will host a tournament for team speedrunning the Object 903 Special Operation. 

The Tournament requires registering in advance. Participants can sign up from April 19th to April 22nd at a special channel for team registrations at the official Discord server:: #турнир-со-регистрация-registration.

The three teams that complete the Object 903 Special Operation in the shortest time will earn prizes.

How to participate in the Tournament

1. Assemble a team and register it to participate in the Tournament at the official Caliber Discord server.

2. Familiarise yourself with the Full requirements to the participants and the Tournament Policy (PDF).

3. Turn on replay recording. The replays are saved to this folder: C:\Users\UserProfile\AppData\LocalLow\1CGS\Caliber.

4. From April 23rd 10am GMT +3 to April 25th 11:59pm GMT +3 play the Special Operation mode on the Object 903 map.

5. Choose your fastest winning battle and submit the results to a special Discord channel: #турнир-со-результаты-results. The submission should include the team composition, a screenshot of the assembled team in the HQ, a screenshot from the Results tab and have the winning battle’s replay attached.

The results of winning battles are being admitted until April 26th 00:10am GMT +3. If several challengers completed the Special Operation with the same speed, the tie is broken in favour of the team that finished its battle earlier.


1st place

Versus Bots emblem for each participant in the winning battle, 20000 Coins, 120 days of Premium, 200 Resource Containers spread evenly among the team (including the reserve player if any).

2nd place

14000 Coins, 56 days of Premium, 120 Resource Containers spread evenly among the team (including the reserve player if any).

3rd place 

10000 Coins, 28 days of Premium, 40 Resource Containers spread evenly among the team (including the reserve player if any).

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