July 7 to 14: The biggest operator discounts ever | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
July 7 to 14: The biggest operator discounts ever

The week of discounts has begun in Caliber! All week, from July 7 to July 14, the store on the site sells:

  • The EZAPAC collection operatives Miguel and Diablo with a 30% discount;
  • "The Old Guard" operator set with a 30% discount;
  • "The Best of the Best" operator set with a 50% discount;
  • Any operative-ess from the Nesher collection with a 50% discount.

Also, on the same days, there is a special offer for Schatz, the medic of the KSK collection and a part of "The Old Guard" set. He is sold separately, along with materials sufficient for the full upgrade. All that remains is to gain enough experience.

The price of this set is $20.

Schatz will have the following materials: 960 medications, 2,700 fuel, 1,050 composite materials, 370 chemical components, 1,730 ciphers, 640 blueprints, 1,600 microchips, and 1200 secret drafts.
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Force rotation of July 7th
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Hotfix of July 14: special offers and rewards for losing