April 12-19 — Steam Event | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
April 12-19 — Steam Event

On April 12, Caliber is going to be released on Steam!

On that day, you will be able to link your active account to your Steam account or create a new one. We recommend doing so in order to utilize the features of the platform, such as achievements, participation in discussions, number of hours spent in the game, etc.

Also, we prepared a reward for entering the game for the first time and quests for players who start playing on Steam.


Launch the game via Steam before April 19, 07:00 UTC, to receive 400 Coins as a reward.


Also, each day from April 12 to April 19, you will be able to complete tasks during the Steam Event.

The objective is simple — win five times in any mode (except for Prologue).

This task is reminiscent of combat pay. When you fill the progress bar, you will be able to claim the reward.

This is how it works:

  • The task is available for players with any Account Level who entered the game via Steam during the designated period.
  • 400 coins will be granted for completing each task.
  • New task is issued every day, at 07:00 UTC.
  • Important! If you don’t manage to complete the task before the timer runs out, its progress will be lost. To receive all rewards, complete tasks every day.
  • The maximum number of tasks is 7.

So, for entering the game and completing all tasks, one can receive 3,200 Coins.

See you on Steam!

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