The Reapers | Store | Caliber is a team-based online game
The Reapers
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Operator | GROM

Koszmar is quick and deadly. His HK416A5 assault rifle has a high rate of fire, which makes Koszmar a deadly duelist at middle and short ranges. His Thunder ability makes his weapon even deadlier - while it's active, any damaging hit will remove buffs from the target and prevent them from using abilities. Koszmar's Special Gear is an HK69A1 handheld 40mm grenade launcher. The shots it fires create a large cloud which slowly drains health from the targets within it, whereas Koszmar himself is completely immune to it.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

HK416A5 assault rifle
HK416A5 assault rifle
USP SD pistol
USP SD pistol
HK69A1 grenade launcher
HK69A1 grenade launcher
Thunder ability
Thunder ability
Legendary outfit | GROM

Nomad is a legendary outfit for GROM Assault Koszmar.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | Ezapac

Matador is armed with an M60E4 machine gun with a 100-round magazine. His Dense Fire ability allows him to automatically target the enemy closest to the reticle, while accuracy when firing from the hip is significantly increased, and aimed fire becomes impossible. Matador is able to fortify his position with the help of his Fold-out Cover Special Gear. A fully upgraded Matador takes 50% less damage from falling, and hits from his machine gun during the duration of the ability apply the Weakness effect to the target.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

M60E4 machine gun
M60E4 machine gun
92FS pistol
92FS pistol
Fold-out Cover
Fold-out Cover
Dense Fire ability
Dense Fire ability
Legendary outfit | Ezapac
Sand Devil

Sand Devil is a legendary outfit for Ezapac Support Matador.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | RAID

Velour is armed with a rapid-fire P90 submachine gun, which makes him extremely dangerous in close combat. With the help of his Patch ability, he drops a bag that not only heals allies, but also restores their armor. Fully upgraded, Velour becomes extremely hardy: the durations of Slowed and Stunned effects on him are halved, and he has much more time to crawl to cover when seriously injured. Velour is always ready to cover his allies with smoke from his GL06 grenade launcher.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

FN P90 submachine gun
FN P90 submachine gun
Glock 26 pistol
Glock 26 pistol
GL06 smoke grenade launcher
GL06 smoke grenade launcher
Patch ability
Patch ability
Legendary outfit | RAID

Mercenary is a legendary outfit for RAID Medic Velour.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | SSO

Komar is armed with a TRG-22 sniper rifle with a 10-round magazine. His Piercing Shot ability allows him to deal damage to targets behind obstacles. Komar's Special Gear, the Eleron recon drone, flies in a straight line and applies the Marked effect to enemies within its area of effect. A fully upgraded Komar, on a headshot, briefly increases the subsequent damage of his rifle, and also applies the Marked effect to targets affected by his ability.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

TRG-22 sniper rifle
TRG-22 sniper rifle
MP-443 pistol
MP-443 pistol
Eleron recon drone
Eleron recon drone
Piercing Shot ability
Piercing Shot ability
Legendary outfit | SSO

Archeologist is a legendary outfit for SSO Marksman Komar.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.