The Tricksters | Store | Caliber is a team-based online game
The Tricksters
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Operator | 22 SpN

Plut is armed with an A-545 assault rifle with a 30-round magazine. Using the ability, Plut throws an inflatable decoy in front of him, imitating an armed fighter. All enemies attacking the decoy receive the Marked effect. Fully upgraded, Plut and his allies recover stamina when eliminating enemies that attacked the decoy.

The F-1 fragmentation grenade can help to drive the enemy out of cover, and in full upgrade also imposes the Bleeding effect.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

A-545 assault rifle
A-545 assault rifle
GSh-18 pistol
GSh-18 pistol
F-1 frag grenade
F-1 frag grenade
Sabotage ability
Sabotage ability
Legendary outfit | 22 Spn

Afghan is a legendary outfit for 22 SpN Assault Plut.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | GROM

Prorok is armed with FN Minimi Para machine gun with a 50-round magazine when full upgraded. Prorok's ability creates a smoke screen in which operators gain the Invisible status, and Prorok himself and his allies take 30% less damage. Prorok's HK69A1 grenade launcher fires gas grenades. A fully upgraded Prorok is immune to gases, can see enemies through smoke, and spreads this perk to nearby allies during the duration of his ability.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

FN Minimi Para machine gun
FN Minimi Para machine gun
USP SD pistol
USP SD pistol
HK69A1 grenade launcher
HK69A1 grenade launcher
Smokescreen ability
Smokescreen ability
Legendary outfit | GROM

Nomad is a legendary outfit for GROM Support Prorok.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | SEAL

Monk heals his allies with syringes he fires using a special pistol from a distance of up to 15 meters. Healed allies also receive a 25% speed boost for a short time. If the ally receives critical damage during healing, Monk's injection lets them remain conscious for longer and be revived twice as fast. When he heals himself, Monk greatly increases his speed for a short time. He is armed with an MP7A2 submachine gun, an Mk 25 pistol and an M18 smoke grenade.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

MP7A2 submachine gun
MP7A2 submachine gun
Mk 25 pistol
Mk 25 pistol
M18 smoke grenade
M18 smoke grenade
Injection ability
Injection ability
Legendary outfit | SEAL
Old School

Old School is a legendary outfit for SEAL Medic Monk.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | Arystan

Sultan drops enemies on sight with his TRG-42 sniper rifle. His Cover ability removes shields from his targets, prevents them from receiving healing or new shields, and immobilizes knocked down opponents. When hitting his targets in the head, a fully upgraded Sultan gains the Inspired status, which reduces all incoming damage. Sultan's Special Gear applies the Invisibility effect to allies within the area of effect. This gear can be attached to an ally and picked up after use.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

TRG-42 sniper rifle
TRG-42 sniper rifle
CZ-75 FA pistol
CZ-75 FA pistol
Jamming device
Jamming device
Cover ability
Cover ability