The Watch | Store | Caliber is a team-based online game
The Watch
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Operator | Ezapac

Faro operates a G36A1 assault rifle with a 30-round magazine and an AG36 under-barrel grenade launcher that uses mines as ammunition. Faro's mines, when triggered, apply the Crippled status to the affected targets. Using his ability, Faro fires a flare that applies the Marked status to all enemies in its area of effect. For each enemy that gains this status once, Faro’s resistance to bullet and explosion damage is reduced by 10% (max 40%). If the rocket did not have time to flare up and hits an enemy target, that target receives the Burning effect, and Faro gains 10% damage resistance. A fully upgraded Faro also regenerates armor for killing enemies affected by his ability, takes 75% less damage from jumping off high objects, and gains a short-term speed boost after vaulting obstacles.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

G36A1 assault rifle
G36A1 assault rifle
USP SD pistol
USP SD pistol
AG36 grenade launcher with mine rounds
AG36 grenade launcher with mine rounds
Muleta ability
Muleta ability
Legendary outfit | Ezapac
Sand Devil

Sand Devil is a legendary outfit for Ezapac Assault Faro.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | SSO

Sputnik is armed with a PKP bullpup machine gun with a 75-round magazine. Using his ability, Sputnik launches a recon drone that stalks enemies and inflicts the Marked effect on them, and when fully upgraded, also imposes the Weakness status. Using the ability again detonates the drone, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Sputnik is able to destroy covers and effectively eliminate enemies with his RPO Shmel. A fully upgraded Sputnik is immune to gases.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

PKP bullpup machine gun
PKP bullpup machine gun
MP-443 pistol
MP-443 pistol
RPO Shmel
RPO Shmel
Recon Drone
Recon Drone
Legendary outfit | SSO

Archeologist is a legendary outfit for SSO Support Sputnik.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.

Operator | Arystan

Buggy masterfully uses his MP5A3 submachine gun with a 40-round magazine at full upgrade to deal with enemies at close and medium distances. His ability not only heals himself and all allies in range, but also Slows and Poisons enemies. Buggy's Iron Curtain system reliably protects his team from enemy rockets and damaging grenades, and can be picked up for re-deployment. A fully upgraded Buggy moves faster while crouching.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

MP5A3 submachine gun
MP5A3 submachine gun
CZ-75 handgun
CZ-75 handgun
Iron Curtain system
Iron Curtain system
Dispersion ability
Dispersion ability
Operator | SEAL

Scout is armed with an assault rifle with a 20-round magazine. Using his ability, Scout throws a flare torch that applies the Marked status to all enemies in the area of effect. Scout is always ready to protect the flanks and important routes with his M18A1 Claymore mines. The ability of a fully upgraded Scout additionally imposes an increase in incoming damage on enemy targets, and a fully upgraded Scout himself restores stamina when hitting enemies in the head.

If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation in Credits equal to its full value in the client.

Mk 17 assault rifle
Mk 17 assault rifle
MK25 pistol
MK25 pistol
M18A1 Claymore mine
M18A1 Claymore mine
Flare ability
Flare ability
Legendary outfit | SEAL
Old School

Old School is a legendary outfit for SEAL Marksman Scout.

If you own a legendary outfit for an operator, you'll receive +25% XP while playing them, regardless of whether the legendary outfit is equipped.


If this item is already on your account, you will receive compensation — 4000 Fragments.