RE: Balance | Update 1.0.1 | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
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RE: Balance | Update 1.0.1

Hello fighters!

The first RE: Balance of this year is coming! In version 1.0.1, we will make a number of important adjustments: a targeted rebalancing of operators and procured weapons as well as strengthening of Stimulants.

All changes will take place when the update is released. The details can be found below.


Stimulants remove negative effects

Stimulants will remove all negative effects except for Marked. It makes this Combat Reserve even more useful: for example, now you can use it not only to restore Stamina, but also to remove Bleeding.

We will also increase speed of using the Stimulant by 100%.


We’re introducing a new term: Procured Weapon.

This name is given to the weapons obtained from the Weapon Container. Balance changes to the procured weapon don’t affect the same operators’ weapon who have it by default. If the adjustments are related to default weapon, this will be mentioned in the operator's section separately.



  • One magazine added to their base number. It is now 6 instead of 5.

M14 EBR:

  • Body shot and headshot damage decreased by 2/5. It is now 31/62 instead of 33/67.

ARX 160:

  • Recoil increased while aiming.


  • Body shot and headshot damage decreased by 1. It is now 25/33 instead of 26/34.


  • Effective range increased by 3 m.
  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1. It is now 23/45 instead of 22/44.


  •  One magazine removed. It is now 5 instead of 6.


  • Number of bullets in the magazine decreased. It is now 8 instead of 10.


  • Rate of fire increased. It is now 0.65 instead of 0.5.

G36 ZN:

  • Base ammo increased. It is now 12 instead of 10.

MK 48:

  • One magazine added to their base number. It is now 2 instead of 1.

M500 Tactical:

  • Effective range increased by 2 m.

Kulspruta 58:

  • Headshot damage increased by 1. It is now 25 instead of 24.


  • One magazine added to their base number. It is now 4 instead of 3.


  • Effective range increased by 3 m. Body shot and headshot damage increased from 22/33 to 25/35.

SIG 550:

  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1.  It is now 28/46 instead of 27/45.

AK 5D:

  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 2. It is now 18/29 instead of 20/31.

Manurhin MR-73:

  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 7.  It is now 39/76 instead of 32/69. Spread decreased. Base magazine number decreased by 1.

Taurus Raging Hunter:

  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 9. It is now 41/78 instead of 32/69. Base magazine number decreased by 1.


  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1. It is now 19/26 instead of 18/25. Effective range increased by 2 m.


  • Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1. It is now 20/33 instead of 19/32.


  • Akdal MKA 1919: Reload speed increased from 2.7 to 2.3. Rate of fire increased for pellets and bullets both. It is now 3 instead of 2,8/2,5. Effective range increased by 2 m. Now reload can be done while sprinting.
  • Upgrade #6-1: “Special trait: if the operator’s HP drops below 50 (instead of 30), Sprint speed and primary weapon reloading speed increase by 20%.”
  • Upgrade #9-1: “Eliminating an enemy with a bullet restores the operator’s Stamina.” It is now 75 SP instead of 50 SP.
  • Bond ability: Shared damage increased. It is now 35% instead of 20%.
  • Tungsten special gear: vertical recoil and spread decreased, body shot and headshot damage increased from 55/60 to 60/111, armor penetration increased from 45% to 50%, effective range increased by 6 m.
  • Upgrade #7-1: “Ability upgrade. Increased resistance to damage taken from the drone.” It is now 5% instead of 10%.
  • Upgrade #15-3: “Ability upgrade. Increased resistance to damage taken from the drone.” It is now 5% instead of 10%.
  • Upgrade #15-1: “Ability upgrade. Drone applies Focus effect on the target.” Spread and vertical recoil decreased is now 20% instead of 10%.
  • Little Brother ability: Base cooldown increased. It is now 35 seconds instead of 25.
  • Upgrade #11-2: “Increased bullet velocity.” Fixed a bug which made the upgrade work incorrectly.
  • AI AW50: fixed a rate of fire bug, now it matches the stated 0.5 shots per second.

T-UGS Special gear:

  • One device added to its base number. It is now 2 instead of 1.

Crippling Shot ability:

  • Now applies Suppressed for 10 seconds by default when hitting the enemy. Upgrade #6-1 is required for applying the Stunned effect.
  • Upgrade #6-1 modified: Now changes the Suppressed effect to the Stunned effect instead of increasing primary reserves number.
  • Upgrade #6-2 modified: Now decreases ability cooldown by 3 seconds instead of increasing Special gear ammo.
  • Upgrade #6-3 removed (used to increase secondary reserves number).
  • Upgrade #8-2: “Shortened ability cooldown.” Cooldown shortened by 4 sec. instead of 3 sec.
  • Upgrades #11-1 (Increases the duration of the ability effect (Suppressed)) and #11-2 (Increases the duration of the ability effect (Stunned)) combined.
  • Upgrade #13-3: “Shortened ability cooldown.” Cooldown shortened by 5 sec. instead of 4 sec.
  • Upgrades #14-1 (Increases the duration of the ability effect (Suppressed)) and #14-2 (Increases the duration of the ability effect (Stunned)) combined.
  • L86A2: Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1.It is now 19/26 instead of 18/25. Effective range increased by 2 m.
  • Big Brother ability: by holding down the ability activation key, the ability applies to the operator himself instead of restoring himself armor.
  • PKP-M: Body shot and headshot damage increased by 1.It is now 19/32 instead of 20/33.
  • AK 5D: Body shot and headshot damage increased by 2.It is now 20/31 instead of 18/29.
  • SCAR H: Effective range increased by 3 m.Body shot and headshot damage increased from 22/33 to 25/35.
  • G22: One magazine added to their base number.It is now 5 instead of 4.
  • M500 Tactical: Effective range increased by 2 m.
  • AWSM primary weapon: Rate of fire increased.  It is now 0.65 instead of 0.5.
  • Iron Grip ability: Recoil decreasing buffed.
  • Procured secondary weapon: Base ammo decreased for all weapons by 1 magazine.
  • Taurus Raging Hunter: Body shot and headshot damage increased by 9.It is now 41/78 instead of 32/69. Base magazine number decreased by 1.
  • Manurhin MR-73: Body shot and headshot damage increased by 7. It is now 39/76 instead of 32/69. Spread decreased. Base magazine number decreased by 1.
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