Converting Red Stars into Credits | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
Converting Red Stars into Credits

Victory Day 2022 event has ended in Caliber. Thus, since May 18, the Red Army character collection is no longer available in the game client, and Defense mode is hidden and turned off. Also, all activities with event item rewards have been replaced with standard ones: tasks, contracts, special offers, etc.

Players who still have Red Stars event currency or special reserves from Defense mode on their account will take part in the exchange program. Starting from May 18 until the Caliber version 0.16.0 is downloaded, when you first enter the game, rewards earned during Victory Day 2022 event will be converted into Credits at this rate:

  • 2.5 Credits per Red Star;
  • 100 Credits per reserve.
Conversion details
Upon first logging into the game after the maintenance on May 18, all players will receive an in-game notification about the conversion of Red Stars and event reserves into Credits.

If a player has Containers with event reserves, Red Stars, Emblems, and other event rewards at the time of conversion, then:

  • The cost of Container slots will change from Red Stars to Coins.
  • When opening Red Stars and reserves Containers, you will still receive Red Stars and event reserves, but those will be converted into Credits the next time you start the game.

    Red Stars and reserves conversion will work until the release of the next update.

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