The Spring Break Battle Pass Manual | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
The Spring Break Battle Pass Manual

Hello, everyone!

With the release of update 0.22.2, the new Spring Break Battle Pass will be added to Caliber, featuring Liberty Legendary Outfits for the American CST all-female operator collection as a reward.

There are four episodes and a ton of rewards waiting for you. Some of them can be obtained for free. Check this article for more details on the event. Let’s go!

A Battle Pass is an in-game event comprised of four episodes, each with 30 levels. Players get a reward for each level they reach. To raise their level, players will need to gain XP in battles.

The event will last for seven weeks: from February 21, 2024 until April 10, 2024 (until 08:00 AM UTC).


The Battle Pass is divided into four episodes: Trenton, Detroit, Atlanta, and Reno. Each episode corresponds to a class: Assault, Medic, Support, and Marksman, respectively.

Your rewards depend on which episode you play. You can change the active episode at any time and complete them in any order.


Each episode is divided into two parts: free and paid.

We want all players to participate in the event and get some of the rewards, even if some players decide to not buy the episodes.

The price of one episode is 2,500 Coins. A discount is applied when purchasing several episodes together.
  • Two episodes can be bought together at a 10% discount. This will cost 4,500 Coins.
  • Three episodes can be bought together at a 15% discount. This will cost 6,375 Coins.
  • Four episodes can be bought together at a 20% discount. This will cost 8,000 Coins.

As part of the rewards that we’ve added to both the free and paid versions, you will get 2,400 Coins back after completing all episodes.

Each episode of the Spring Break Battle Pass is comprised of 30 levels. 160,000 XP is needed to complete one Episode. Active Premium increases Battle Pass XP gained by 30%.

You can also buy Battle Pass XP using Coins. The exchange rate is 1 Coin for 8 Battle Pass XP. This option was added for the players who want to get the rewards here and now.


Simply play the game in any mode that gives a post-battle reward. Rewards will be added to your account automatically.



The Liberty Legendary Outfits for the CST operators: Assault Sly, Support Fortress, Medic Bones, and Marksman Avalanche.


The Wernyhora Epic Outfit for Support Prorok and the Troublemaker Epic Outfit for Marksman Vagabond.


Each of the Epic Outfits are split into two parts and put into specific Episodes. To earn an Epic Outfit, simply purchase both of the Episodes containing its parts. You won’t have to earn any XP to unlock it.

  • The parts of the Wernyhora outfit are obtained in the following Episodes: Trenton (Assault) and Atlanta (Medic).
  • The parts of the Troublemaker outfit are obtained in the following Episodes: Detroit (Support) and Reno (Marksman).

If you obtain only one part of an Epic Outfit, it will automatically be converted into 450 Fragments after the event ends.


Each Episode awards you different Containers. Some of them contain previously released customization items, and some contain new ones.

The Containers are duplicate-proof: you will only gain items for operators who don’t have them yet.

Depending on the Episode, you will obtain items that correspond to a particular operator class from the Containers. For example, Containers obtained from the Reno Episode will grant items for the Marksman class.

The only exception to this rule are the Camo Containers.

What Containers can be obtained:

  • A Container with the Cowboy Execution for a random operator of a corresponding class. Two slots.
  • A Container with the Card Sharp Emote for a random operator of a corresponding class. Two slots.
  • A Container with the Prohibition Emote for a random operator of a corresponding class. Two slots.
  • A Container with a Camo for a random collection: Wildlands, Liberty Bell, Redwood and Savannah. Two slots.
  • Containers with random Emotes, Executions, and Camos of up to Rare quality for random operators of the corresponding classes. Three slots.





The last level of each Episode contains a part of the Firing Position HQ Background. Complete all four Episodes to earn this HQ Background.

If you obtain only 1-3 parts of the HQ Background, they will automatically be converted into Fragments after the event ends. One part equals 500 Fragments.


The free Containers work similarly to their paid counterparts. Depending on the Episode, they will yield items that correspond to a particular operator class.

What Containers can be obtained:

  • A Container with the Card Sharp Emote for a random operator of a corresponding class. Two slots.
  • Containers with random Emotes, Executions, and Camos of up to Rare quality for random operators of the corresponding classes. Three slots.



How is the XP required for Episode progression awarded?
The gauge is filled with XP equal to base XP granted for participating in battles. If you have active Premium, you’ll get a 30% XP bonus for your Battle Pass XP gauge.

So, if you earn 1000 base XP (XP gained after a battle without Premium or other boosters applied), your Battle Pass XP gauge will also be filled by 1000 points. However, if you have active Premium, you will earn 1300 Battle Pass XP for the same battle.
Can levels be bought?
Yes, you can buy the required number of levels. This can be done by opening the Battle Pass Episode window in the game client and clicking on the level gauge. A Purchase Level button will appear to the right of the artwork depicting the rewards.

The price of levels is proportional to the amount of XP needed for the next level. The exchange rate is 1 Coin for 8 Battle Pass XP.

This means that you can buy a level even if you have already gained some XP towards it.
What is the exclusivity period of the new Battle Pass rewards?
Six months after the event ends.
What will happen if I complete the free section of the Episode, then buy the paid one?
All the rewards for the paid section of the Episode will be added to your account automatically. You won’t have to play through the Episode again.
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