April 7, 2021
In the 0.9.1 Update we’ve added a system of penalties for players who leave the battle before it’s over. If the player leaves combat early, they’ll get a temporary limit on access to the mode where they performed the infraction.
- Ending a battle via the in-game UI (ESC > Leave Combat);
- Losing connection or stopping the running client on the player’s side before the final cutscene is over.
You’ll have three minutes to return to combat and avoid getting a penalty for the infraction.
- The battle ends before you return;
- You don’t return to combat within three minutes;
- You decide not to return to combat.
If the penalty is applied, you’ll temporarily lose the ability to play that mode. Instead of the To Battle button you’ll see a reason behind the penalty and the time left before it’s lifted.
- This system doesn’t penalize quitting the Frontline mode if the player leaves the match once their operator has been eliminated and they definitely can’t continue participating in the current battle. If the player quits Frontline before they’re eliminated (finished), the penalty will be applied. The Quit button will be your hint - once it turns green, you can leave combat without a penalty.
- The ban is applied automatically after the battle the infraction happened in ends.
- If even one player in a team has an active ban in some mode, the mode limitation will apply to the whole team until the offending player leaves it.