New Complaint System | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
New Complaint System

With the Caliber update 0.12.3, we have implemented a new system for filing violations. Now, when you file a complaint about a player via your account on the site, we ask you to attach a replay of the match in which the violation occurred.

When adding a replay, you need to fill three fields carefully:

  • indicate the type of violation;
  • indicate the offender;
  • indicate the moment when the violation occurred on the replay timing.

The time when the violation occurred is an optional field, but we ask you not to ignore it if possible. The more accurately the complaint is drawn up, the faster we can check everything and reach a verdict on the application.

Only the user who participated in the match with the alleged violation can file a complaint. The system verifies that the account that recorded the replay and logged in on the Caliber website are the same.

The new system is made to reduce users’ communication with support clarifying the details of the violations as much as possible. Previously, the dialogue could drag on: the first message might not contain all the information necessary to investigate the incident, and support specialists had to make a number of clarifications about the incident.

Now we ask you to provide all the information in advance. In an ideal situation, when all the appeal fields are filled in correctly, support will send the result of the incident investigation in the very first reply.

However, note that such a complaint system does not speed up the investigation of incidents themselves. Complaints about violations are the most difficult of all that come to support; they can be processed for more than a day and remain in motion for much longer. Proceedings for unsporting behavior or cheating require careful consideration and cannot be automated. In addition, the violating players can (and have the right) to challenge the sanctions.

Please adhere to the principles of fair sportsmanship, do not violate the rules of conduct in Caliber and our community.

Sincerely yours, Caliber Support

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