Update 0.17.0: patch note | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
Update 0.17.0: patch note

Update 0.17.0 brings plenty of new stuff. For the first time, you can play Caliber in a first-person perspective. Along with it, New Perspective marathon has started, and The A-Group Legendary Outfits for the Alpha collection are added.

Read the full list of changes, stay posted, and see you in battles in updated Caliber!

General Changes
New Perspective marathon has started. In it, you can play with a first-person view.

The A-Group Legendary Outfits for the Alpha collection added.

Showdown: First Person mode added.

Added a system to counter multiple crouching. Now each subsequent crouch will be slower.

Do not show cosmetic camo on other players setting: Fixed the bug where weapons from Legendary and Epic Outfits of other players were displayed incorrectly.

The stun animation will no longer play after revival if the operator was incapacitated while under this effect.

Sights for all secondary weapons have been changed, except for the HD66 of medic Yàowáng from the Jiaolong collection. Aiming secondary weapons will now work in first person.

Added a new animation for climbing/falling off surfaces while sprinting.

Adjusted drone behavior. Reduced the number of places where drones would pass through obstacles.


Composite Armor Plates: Skill description updated.

22 SPN

Medic Karavai

RDG smoke grenade special gear: 
  • Fixed a spelling error in the description;
  • Activation time shortened to 1.5 seconds after landing from 4.5 seconds after landing.

  • Vympel

    Support Almaz

    Fixed a typo in the personal file.

    Marksman Strelok

    VSS primary weapon: 
  • magazine capacity increased by 10 rounds (20 rounds without Upgrade 8, 30 with Upgrade 8).

  • Alpha

    Assault Perun

    Piercing Shots primary ability:
  • rate of fire increased by 25%;
  • recoil reduced by 10%.

  • Medic Travnik

    Upgrade 3: Replaced Laser Sight with Tactical Flashlight. The enhancement effect remains the same.

    Marksman Sokol

    Upgrade 15 "Special trait: incapacitating an opponent while the ability is active extends the duration of the ability by 3 seconds": Barrage ability can now be extended multiple times.


    Medic Mikołaj

    Added Vigor Epic Outfit. It can only be obtained as part of the New Perspective marathon.


    Support Bastion

  • Movement speed increased from 2.8 meters per second to 3 meters per second;
  • Sprint base cost reduced from 23 SP/sec to 20 SP/sec;
  • Fixed the bug due to which the operator could take damage through the shield while crouched.


    Assault Aphela

    Fixed a visual error in the description of special gear: previously, the lines overlapped each other.

    Support Hagana

    Turret primary ability: Increased shooting accuracy by 15%.

    Marksman Eima

    Harpy Legendary Outfit: Fixed the issue where primary weapon ammo was incorrectly colored white.


    Support Tibet

    Primary/Secondary weapon CZ-75:
  • magazine capacity has been reduced from 26 rounds to 25.

  • KS-23M special gear:
  • reduced ammunition load from 4 to 3.

  • SSO RB

    Assault Lazootchick

    The primary weapon designation has been changed.

    Removed tech text from the special gear description.


    Assault Starkaðr

    Berserkr primary ability:
  • can now be turned off manually.

  • Medic Freyr

    Touch of Iðunn primary ability:
  • Increased the amount of restored health from 25 to 30.

  • Upgrade 15 Ability cooldown speeds up:
  • Reduced the minimum cooldown of the Touch of Iðunn ability from −8 seconds to −10.

  • Jiaolong

    Assault Shàowèi

    Xigou special gear:
  • updated drone companion installation sound;
  • the model has been replaced;
  • replaced visual effects and GUI elements related to Xigou.

    Support Yíngzhōu

    Type-97 primary weapon:
  • reduced effective distance of slug cartridges — Upgrade 12.

  • Electromagnetic Field Generator primary ability:
  • fixed the bug when, after starting the detonation of the generator, there was no explosion if the operator was killed before the explosion.
  • Maps, missions, and bots changes
    Frontline. Fixed the situation where AI-controlled opponents could spawn near areas already captured by one of the teams.

    Training. Drones no longer react to the bot hologram at the entrance to the combat zone.

    The operator list participating in Prologue has been changed.

  • Prologue: Assault from Corsair to Volk;
  • Prologue:Medic from Ded to Monk.

  • Hospital:

  • the cover height in the building has been increased: it is no longer possible to shoot the character hiding behind it in the head;
  • fixed the bug due to which grenades and other throwable objects fell through the ground at the main entrance to the hospital building.

    Emir Residence — Onslaught:

  • fixed the position of the barrel, which previously passed through the wall;
  • changed the AI-controlled opponents’ spawn points: enemies to be executed using the [V] key no longer appear in places inaccessible to the player. Field Bonuses now also appear only where players can pick them up;
  • fixed the bug when, after vaulting an obstacle, the player fell through another obstacle;
  • fixed the situation where the correct animation was not displayed if the player vaulted an obstacle while running.

  • Shopping Mall — Onslaught:

  • an in capacitated enemy on the escalator will no longer fall through it;
  • fixed the situation where the player could move through the bomb after vaulting an obstacle.

  • Village — Onslaught:

  • Added the ability to vault the stone cover in the map center.

  • Al-Malik Hotel:

  • Fixed the bug where the operator visually hung in the air if they came close to the flowerbed.

  • Object 903:

  • Fixed the situation where operators were not affected by explosion damage if a shell hit a railroad.


  • fixed thesituation where some throwable objects could fly through the wall near the respawn point;
  • fixed algae texture on canal walls;
  • Onslaught. Fixed the situation where AI-controlled opponents could not leave the room where they spawn.


  • containers no longer change color when the player approaches them.


  • added a new PvE mission. The map has been included to the Clearing and Special Operation modes;
  • one of the rocks has been adjusted: previously, there were invisible areas that prevented firing;
  • the clearance under the armored personnel carrier that allowed to shoot at the player standing behind it was closed;
  • Onslaught. Fixed the situation where the textures under the trees disappeared in a certain place on the map.

  • Radar:

  • fixed the disappearance of the box model at a long distance;
  • fixed camera behavior when approaching objects;
  • removed the ability to move through the wall by vaulting the adjacent cover.


  • Karkhad Assault bot in Special Operation Mode:

  • reduced firing range;
  • reduced the number of shot’s damaging elements.

    Fixed the bug where AI-controlled opponents could sometimes "walk on air" and climb high points.

  • Forest — Special Operation, Clearing. Added Sergeant bot.
    Customization section:

  • executions section buttons’ width has changed slightly;
  • customization section: subsection texts are formatted and brought to a single-style view;
  • customization section: canceling Camo selection now works correctly;
  • the Purchase button is no longer available if the player has switched to an unavailable item.

  • Peaceful Skies HQ background: Fixed incorrect display of the Container on the button in the HQ menu.

    Reworked Skill research cancel and ongoing contract cancel windows.

    Post-battle statistics window: fixed the exit button brightness.

    Notification window: switching to special offers no longer breaks the notification window.

    Contracts menu: changed the training tips location;

    Changed the Customization button design before account level 6.

    Added an indication that it is not possible to start a game search in some modes if the player has Recruit selected.

    The reserves window now correctly closes when pressing the [ESC] button.

    Ranked Battles: Improved the quality of league and reward icons.

    Activated Legendary/Epic Outfit does not longer reset when switching to weapon camo.

    Fixed the animation of the rank icon.

    Fixed the situation where the Watch the Video hint could «stick» to the cursor in the operator window.

    Now the voice chat indication is displayed in all the game menus.

    The obtained from Containers customization items’ cards have been brought to a common view.

    The Battle Passe rewards descriptions have been corrected: added indication of the collections on which customization elements can be obtained.

    Now, if a player gets a level up, it is displayed immediately on the post-battle statistics screen.

    The Emblems menu now opens faster.

    Fixed the issue that could cause the game to freeze when loading a replay.

    Fixed incorrect timer display on the Special Operation mode selection screen.
    Now the size of the marks changes depending on the distance to the corresponding object.

    The revival hint is no longer displayed while spectating an ally.

    Fixed the issue where the enemy’s ability cooldown could be seen when aiming at them.

    Shielded effect: fixed the situation where the durability bar would go out of bounds if several instances of the effect are applied to the operator at once.

    Assault Avant-Garde: enemies that hit Avant-Garde will now display the Ricochet icon if Avant-Garde has his Revenge primary ability active.

    Fixed interface errors occurring if the player leaves the game at the moment of transition to the incapacitated state.

    Frontline. Now the intel icon colors are displayed correctly in the sidebar.

    Frontline. Now intel can be marked through the command menu. Default: [C] key.

    Fixed the bug where an incorrect icon was displayed in the progress menu while applying a reserve.

    Now, the enemy Xigou companion drone can be marked through the command menu. Default: [C] key.

    Now, the direction of fire incoming at the player indication will be displayed correctly when interacting with objects — for example, when replenishing ammunition.

    Fixed the bug that caused the icon of the Field Bonus picked up by the player to disappear.

    Added a tooltip that informs the player that it is not possible to activate a reserve while an ability that disables the use of a specific reserve is active.

    Fixed mouse buttons icons in tooltips.
    Frontline. Now a voice notification about marking intel is played. Default: [C] key.

    Onslaught. The Field Bonus activation sound no longer plays repeatedly if the player changes the camera view with the [H] key.
    Added the effect of the safety lever release for grenades.

    Added a simple light source for 50-caliber ammo tracers and missiles.

    Added smoke trail from missiles.

    Added hit decals on operators.

    The hit effects on characters and missile explosions have been slightly improved.
    Customization section: Viewing the Shoulder Throw Execution no longer causes the knife model to appear hanging in the air.

    Fixed the visual effects and sounds in the Executions preview.

    Fixed visual errors that occurred while interacting with objects. For example, a weapon magazine hanging in the air while using an ammo box.

    Fixed the situation where the animation of bolt movement was played in the incapacitated state.

    The operator models will no longer "bounce" after Execution animations.
    Known issues
    Forest — Special Operation, Clearing:

  • Medic Schatz. First Aid primary ability with Upgrade 7 ends the mission prematurely if its action finishes while the room is being filled with gas;
  • Mission loading screen shows no map scheme.

  • Marksman Sokol:

    Gun group animation shows incorrectly in the first-person mode.
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    New Mission On Forest Map
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    September 7th hotfix