This Wednesday, March 26, at 7:30 AM UTC, scheduled maintenance will take place on the Caliber servers. During the maintenance, the game will be unavailable.
We’re glad to show you a roadmap for the first half of 2025.
Be ready for new features, improvements, events, and…. [REDACTED] content.
Prepare for battle!
Update 1.0.1 Is Available Now!
We celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with the Back into the Fray, Double Credits, and Double XP events!
Hotfix 1.0 is Available Now!
The first Outfit with Mythic rarity has appeared in Caliber: the Chernobog Outfit for Voron. The bundle with this outfit and a number of other unique items can be found on the website.
We have lifted the purchase limit on Weapon Containers that can be bought with Coins in the game client and decreased the number of openings needed for receiving a guaranteed weapon.
Moreover, a new bundle with Elite Weapon Containers has been added to the website: it can be purchased five times a month.
In this hotfix, we have also fixed many issues.
Version 1.0 is Released! Caliber is Officially Out!
What’s new:
Don’t forget to enter the game before the end of the year: there’s not only lots of innovations, but also a special gift in the Special Offers section!
Learn more in the patch note and share your impressions with us.
The holiday has come: a new Technological Superiority Battle Pass with Arystan Legendary Outfits added together with the unit’s rebalance, Caliber’s Birthday and Halloween 2024 events started, a new Shadows of Fear event mode added, Frontline and Onslaught: Legend modes returned to the PvE category. Also, there was a number of tweaks and fixes.
The full list of changes is already in the patch note.
Update 0.24.1 is installed.
What’s new: the Long Run Marathon, a new Commander clan role, the Oil Platform map added to the Onslaught mode, operator rebalance, and a number of bug fixes.
A complete list of changes can be found in a patch note.
We have fixed a number of bugs that had appeared in the 0.24.0 update: issues with clans and chat, Velour's #13-3 upgrade, and infinite Crossing in Onslaught mode.
Update 0.24.0 is Available Now!
What's new: added a clan system, a new mission to the Shopping Mall map, and melee; changed Stamina system, rebalanced skills and the RAID collection; SAS operators can now be purchased for Credits and Coins; fixed a number of issues and more.
You can find the complete list of changes in our patch note.
Update 0.23.2 is Available!
New content: The Rough 90s Battle Pass with the Vega Legendary Outfits for the Vympel collection, a new map Spaceport, updates for Threshold mode, a new operator rebalance, a number of bug fixes and more.
You can find the complete list of changes in our patch note.
Main changes: Not a Step Back Common Cause Event started, Defense mode added, Skirmish mode added to User Battles, the Hylan Legendary Outfits for the Jiaolong collection became available for purchase, fixed a number of bugs and more.
You can find the complete list of changes in our patch note.
During scheduled maintenance of Caliber servers, we implemented a number of changes and fixes to the game.
During scheduled maintenance of Caliber servers, we implemented a number of changes and fixes to the game.
In the update 0.23.0, we reworked the mode selection window, launched the Mean Joke event, added Player Referral Program, rebalanced some operators, fixed a number of errors and more.
The 0.22.2 update has been released. We added the Spring Break Battle Pass with the Liberty Legendary Outfits, conducted an operator rebalance, updated the Onslaught mode, replaced all remaining 2D scopes with their 3D versions, fixed a number of issues and more.
During scheduled maintenance of Caliber servers, we implemented a number of changes and fixes to the game.
Ranked Season 9: Encased in Ice has started. Added the Radar map to the Frontline and Threshold modes; fixed some bugs.
Update 0.22.1 is available now!
The New Year version turned out to be large. We added the Knights of the Crown Battle Pass with SAS operators, Caliber+, player statistics, a new mission for the Radar map, a new map Frozen Town; conducted a rebalance of various maps and fixed a lot of bugs. And there’s more.
Learn more about the update from a patch note.